Streaming on – YouTube

Release Date-July 2023

Genre- Christian

Starring- Damilola Mike Bamiloye, Wole Adeyi, Rosemary Adio, Falana Tumise

The Wedding Weekend is a movie produced by Mount Zion Movies and Flaming Swords. The movie opens with the scene of disagreements and confusion between two people who are engaged to marry.

The wedding weekend shows that everyone has a past but God is able to make something beautiful out of a messy past. One of the plots of the movie is Forgiveness. The movie elaborates on the effects of forgiveness on relationships and on our hearts, it also shows how God views unforgiveness in the life of the believer. The movie also shows how the past could have a bearing on the future.


Some of the subtle themes in the movie shows the duty of a mother in teaching their children the word of God and how to apply it in life’s situations. Also the movie throws light on how secrets could destroy relationships, the importance of communication in relationships at all levels and many more.

The movie gives great insight and solutions into several instances in the marriage institution. The wedding weekend is a must watch for individuals who are married and those who have intentions of getting married.